Thursday, September 21, 2006

in ol' melbourne town

Hi all who still remember this thing's here (it seems I'd forgotten until just recently)

I'm back in melbourne to do the edit and composite/vfx work on our film. It's just like catching up with old friends, seeing all the brilliant performances from everyone in the cast and remembering all the good times on set... ahh, the party scene...

anyhow, more on the wonders of low budget filmmaking later, this post is mainly to link to a couple of blogs that need mentioning...

First up, we have Rockran's new blog of his Japanese adventures, which can be found here: RockranRollTokyo

Then we have cuzz'n Piptoi's gestation blogation... well, I'm not sure really... I'll post that one a bit later when I've worked out where it is!

and finally we have Save The Austin! Dad's blog of the restoration of his 1929 Baby Austin 7 in time for me big sister's wedding. Go Dutti Go!

join us next time, when we'll discuss how to solve cutting room arguments between the director, writer and editor ;)


1 comment:

rockran said...

Hey khrob, cheers for the link. Have fun in Melbourne. Have a few in Fitzroy for me.